Desert vs. Dessert

This is about a common pronunciation error:“What’s for dessert today?”. Dessert in this sentence refers to cake, ice cream etc. which is usually something sweet served as the last course of a meal. This is different from ‘Desert’ as in ‘Sahara desert’. Desert should be pronounced as ‘dez-ert’ whereas Dessert Read more…

art works

Work vs. Works

Incorrect:“I have many works to do today”.Correct:“I have much work to do today”. Normally, work is not countable into individual items. For such things that are not normally countable (water, understanding, information, wood etc.), we use singular and not plural for the noun form. If you want to say you Read more…

employee commitment

Road to employee commitment: The role of empowerment, leadership and culture

This exploratory research seeks to identify the relationships between the leadership, empowerment and commitment within the integrated model of competing values framework (CVF) of organisational culture. A conceptual model which relates the constructs to commitment is developed. The study attempts to use a social constructionist approach and scenario planning, which falls under the broader realm of qualitative analysis. Hypothetical cases are used to develop two scenarios.