It hit me like a boulder that came from nowhere.  Suddenly, everything went dead. All I could feel was silence and serenity.  I think I know what this is.  It’s the moment I always wondered about.  What happens after death?  Is there a life after death?  Does God exist?  Will I now be greeted by the all-wise, looking like Morgan Freeman dressed in white or by someone astute and bedazzling, looking like Elizabeth Hurley? Is God a He or She?

“Does it matter?”  I became aware of the powerful voice.

“I guess not.  But now that you are here, what does matter is whether this is hell or heaven”, I said.

Uh! You humans.  Always thinking in terms of reward and punishment.  Do you really think I’m that petty? How tiring!”

“How else would we be motivated?”, I asked.

“How about by the deed itself?  When you do something, can’t it be just for the sake of that ‘something’?”

“Some would ask how we would pay for our sins. Who would we answer to?”, I said.

Have you heard of ‘Conscience’?”

“But reward and punishment are central to many religions as our religious leaders teach us”, I mused.

And how well have your religious leaders served you? Is division by race, caste, gender and belief system justified?”

“Are YOU of all the people not endorsing religion?”, I said puzzled.

I am just asking you to get your priorities right.  In addition to what you learn from a religion, use your intelligence and compassion within, to know what is right and wrong. You could put humanity first.”

“They say God made man in his own image.  For such someone, you are rather critical of humans”, I remarked.

”Ha ha.  Did God make man in his own image or did man make God in his own image?”

“All said and done, humans do try to abide by your will.  We fight hard for our beliefs.”, I said trying to justify humans.

“I think you fight too hard for your beliefs.  Too hard that you fail to be tolerant towards a different point of view. You are too arrogant to think your faith is the only faith.  You fail to realize that there are many paths to the same destination. If you are fighting in my name, you are fighting but not for me.”

“Anyway, how do my actions matter when fate is predetermined?”, I said voicing my life-long dilemma.

 “Aw, I’m not letting you get off with that excuse because you have the greatest power, the power of will and choice.  You can make a difference.  Your actions have an impact.  Use that power positively.”

 “There is much to know about God.”, I stated.

“You are too fixated upon whether God exists, which God is true and how to appease him or her.  But instead you should be focused on being good, respectful, compassionate and forgiving.  Try not to separate Good from God.” 

“People in general are scared of the after-life or the life that comes next.  It is that fear that drives many.”, I said.

”I’d rather you love me than fear me.  You might then understand me better.  True faith is faith in people and respect for each other. Humans are so obsessed with the after-life or next-life that you forget to do right by the life you have now.”

“I am sending you back”, I heard next.

“But why?”, I questioned.

“You are not ready yet.”

As I jolted back in to consciousness, I thought “Was it all a dream?  Or did I just have the most precious encounter”? Is this what they call as a near-death experience?

It is said that this life is so insignificant compared to the one after.  And it is emphasized that the earth we live in is minuscule in the vast universe.  But this is the life we have and this is the planet we are on.  Those are the only things significant now.  Perhaps, doing justice to these would prepare us better for the life after.  Or perhaps, this life and this planet are all that matter.


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