“In spite of” and “Despite” are interchangeable. Both are followed by nouns or noun clauses.


  1. She went to the park in spite of the rain.
  2. She went to the park despite the rain.
  3. She submitted the designs in spite of the fact that her team did not approve.

“Though”, “Although”, “Even though” are interchangeable except in the informal form where though is used at the end of a sentence.


  1. Even though the deadlines are approaching, the team did not take their progress seriously. You can write the same thing using despite: The team did not take their progress seriously despite the approaching deadlines.
  2. She did not like the color. She bought the shirt though. This sentence is very informal and best avoided in written language. Better form: She bought the shirt though she did not like the color. In this form, you can substitute though with ‘even though’ and ‘although’ to mean the same thing.


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